Monday, 5 December 2016

Gosport Police Station.

Gosport Police Station is put up for sale - literally, as the building was deemed "largely unoccupied".
Last week Gosport Police office/desk has opened in the adjacent building of the Gosport Borough Council.
PS: French/Francophone Connection here and there? .....
[ Wed. 7 Dec. 2016] - Tong in cheek? -
A rapid reaction freak-out today: Jewish-French-Francophone-Feminist-Communist.
[ Thurs. 23 Feb.2017] - Police matters do not go away: Cressida Dick is appointed  today Met. (London City) Commissioner.
Appointed by whom?
Shall post some Gosport photos later.
There is a Jamaica 1975 Cottage house with an adjasent Odd Fellows house - both seemingly unoccupied, near the Waitrose Supermarket in Stoke Rd. (the end of Jamaica Place street).

Friday, 16 September 2016

Falkland Islands.

There is a memorial and Falklands Gardens by the Gosport Ferry.
Years ago some Military .... flag of the British (ref. Falklands) got missing, and local paper The News published accuasation/suspicion that Gosport Bourough Councillor BURGESS must have stolen/kept it. I did not follow the story up at the time.

Thursday, 14 April 2016

POLICE commissioner candidates.


Michael LANE
Richard ADAIR
[4 May, 2016] - ONLY badly formulated arguments for and against EU membership for Britain all this time relating to referendum on that issue next month 23 June.
Not a word about elections tomorrow 5 May - Local Councillors and POLICE commisioners.
There is a website, which, on my first attempt (minutes ago) did not load with a strange w17 appearing in place of www.
POLICE candidates are there for 'areas', such as Hampshire, North Yorkshire, etc.:
[ Friday, 13 May, 2016 ] - Local newspaper "The News" had on its front page the photo of the new Hampshire and Isle of Wight Commissioner for Police and Crime, Michael Lane.
Another photo on page 5 depicts him and two women: Olivia Pinkney (Chief Constable) and Kate Brown, the Chief Crown Prosecutor for the CPS in the Wessex region.
[ Friday, 27 May, 2016] - 
Madeleine McCann.
British Police, British Masons, high-tech ISRAELI companies, etc.
Spots in Yorkshire and elsewhere.
More "spots" on Gosport map.
[Sat. 28 May, 2016 ] - scan with Four Spots in Gosport below.
From left to right: St. John's square next to former MADELEINE pub - now TESCO mini-market; IRINA'S SEWING business, Gosport Masonic Hall (Prince of Wales Lodge) and residential complex St. Matthews Court.
[ Monday 22 August, 2016] - POLITICAL CHAOS. For the May 2016 elections I received only two invalid Voting (Polling?) cards: one for previous occupant of flat 26, another - with my name still in flat 28.
Now I received another form from Civil Registration dept. in Gosport Borough Council, signed by Lynda Edwards. When I went upstairs to deliver the form by hand, the man ( reminds me of an American polititian or actor, but I don't know the name) had asked me: "Form? Oh, is it the annual form? We send them out every year around this time." Well, the form or envelope were undated, but there was a deadline (short notice) and a threat of a 1000 pounds fine in the text.
In Portsmouth Socialist Worker street activists (by Queen's Beests fountain) had "Refugees are welcome here/in Britain" and at another angle: collecting signitures for Nationalisation of British Rail. Another "opus" I saw somewhere was: Charity/Initiative to protect the Rights of EU immigrants in Britain.